#1185 10/8/23 – Bottom Line

Bottom Line

The land of Israel, birthplace of the Jewish people, is still today historically and legally ours – our internationally acknowledged, never-abandoned, next native state after Judaea, Jewish national home, where today millennia-persecuted Ingathered Exiles are home.  Our people have every right to live there freely, without fear of discrimination, persecution, murder simply for being Jews.  That day in 1948 that Israel’s sovereign independence was re-declared, it was invaded by Arab nations on every side, and that invasion was thrown back by a homeland army of homeland Jews.  So don’t tell us after all this that this land isn’t ours.  But our people’s enemies still do.  Once again, Israel’s citizens’ army has to defend it, and we Diaspora Jews, all of us, have to stand by them in that continued struggle for fulfillment in our time of the Dream of Generations for our people’s homeland’s sovereign rebirth.  It’s ours, and God knows we need it.